Satan and His Plan of Evil (**2nd Edition**)



(2nd edition: due to Amazon KDP limitations,  the color fold-out time-line chart is gone. However, the fold-out’s time-line and its commentary has been added in the Appendix in a three, 2-page spread.)

395 pages, 8-1/2″ x 5-1/2″, 12 Chapters, Scripture Index, perfect binding

This book is a synopsis of what the Bible teaches about Satan and his activities, both in heaven and on earth, as he seeks to succeed with his plan of evil. It traces the history of Satan’s plan from it’s inception, and provides you with a concise understanding of what it entails, how he is working it out, and the effects that it has. Along with this, God’s response to the plan of evil is examined. God has His own plan for dealing with Satan and to provide for the demolition of the plan of evil. God’s plan is centered in His creation of the nation Israel, and His formation of the new creation, the church the body of Christ, in this present mystery dispensation. You will learn the role God has for these two distinct entities, and how He will use them as He settles His contention with Satan.

ISBN 978-1-930863071